Monday, October 26, 2009

Finally Back on Track

Hello Again. No, I didn't forget. Things have been a little crazy around here.

Griffin got his first cold. The poor little man has been sniffling and sneezing and coughing. He's mostly maintained good spirits throughout it all, but every once in a while it got the best of him. I did what I could - saline drops and snuggles, mostly. There were times when he could barely eat, and times when he could barely sleep. He's still a little sniffly today, but I'm hoping we are past the worst of it now.

Of course, now Jai has it. Jai was off on a Library Convention all weekend long, down in Yarmouth, so Mom came up to help out, and watch Griffin while I had to go to work at the post office.
Then today, I quit my job at the post office. Or, put my two weeks notice in, anyway. It was all a bit too much, too soon. I feel like I'm operating on half a brain at the best of times lately, and I didn't want to be dropping Griffin off and having him pick up every cold that goes around. Plus, the post office was really looking for someone more flexible, and I was getting tired of feeling guilty for turning down extra shifts.
Anyway, to sum it up, we had a rather long, sometimes frustrating week. Finally Saturday night, at about three in the morning, I was lying there, feeling sick myself, listening to Griffin toss and turn, wanting desperately to sleep, thinking about all the things that went wrong at the post office this week, thinking about whether or not Griffin needed me to feed him, or to change his diaper, but mostly just wanting desperately to sleep, and I was suddenly able to let it all go. I was able to let it go, and just relax into loving Griffin again. Not that I didn't love him all along, but I found myself suddenly thinking more about things that needed to get done, and less about going with the flow and embracing all the joy of having Griffin around. It was one of those moments when the universe clicks back into place. Oh, yes.
And so, I quit the Post Office. I've never just quit a job like that before. I was planning on working for Canada Post until I retired, once I finally got in. Oh well, life's funny like that sometimes.

And just as a sign that I was back on the right track, I won Sherrie's giveaway yesterday! Thanks Sherrie, it was perfect timing.

My other sign was a perfectly beautiful day Sunday. The sun shone, the air was warm, and there was that wonderful autumn smell floating around. Mom and I walked out to get more saline drops, and ended up eating slices of pizza on the baseball field bleachers. Perfectly perfect. Speaking of which...


Anonymous said...

hey Bear, glad the day went well today. Thanks for a great weekend! I too had a perfect Sunday with you and Griffin - one of those days to relive and realize that life truly is grand. Love you and hope you are all well soon! XOXO M/J/G

Sherrie said...

Yay! I'm glad that things have sorted themselves out, and I hope that you enjoy the soap! BUT... Jai was in YARMOUTH and didn't come find us?! :) Hope G is sniffle-free soon.

Jai and Lauren Soloy said...

Thanks guys! Sherrie, if I get to go with next year, we'll definitely look you up :)